Practitioner Enquiry
Gabriela Reigh

English Tutor


An investigation into the effect of a peer support system on students’ motivation
  • To investigate to what extent students in an AS Language and Literature group can help each other to develop better study skills.  


Key Actions

  • From the beginning of the academic year, students were put into pairs selected by me according to each student's needs.
  • At different stages in the course, the pairs were given tasks in which they are encouraged to exchange ideas and tips for success.
  • The tasks became progressively more developed, so that the students had to rely on their new study partner more and more.

Key Findings


  • The most common things students felt they could offer their buddies were emotional support and practical help with tasks in lessons.
  • The majority of students felt that the most important thing they could gain from the project was motivation – being made to feel guilty by their buddy if they didn’t do their share of the work.
  • At the end of the year, the students wrote that the most valuable thing about having a buddy was sharing ideas with a person outside their social group.
  • A minority of people didn’t bond with their buddies and would have rather worked with friends.
  • In group discussions, the students agreed that the project had been a positive experience.
  • The project was successful in that it created some close bonds in the group and contributed to the good atmosphere in the lessons. It also helped some students to improve their study skills.

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