Practitioner Enquiry

Mark Rayner
History teacher and Personal Tutor
"Using role play in AS Modern History source analysis"
Investigating the use of role-play in History. The concept is to challenge what role play is and what can be achieved through its use – with special reference to the confident use of sources.
Key Actions
·         Maximal activities: murder mystery, making a documentary, conducting an entire lesson in character, “Educational Research Experiment”.
·         Minimal Activities: on the spot roleplay, “time-travelling”, “who’s at the door” games, and more.
·         Assessed through a variety of methods: reflective questionnaires, interviews, lesson observation, post exam feedback, course forums, exam results.
·         Some activities have been extended or re-worked into re-sit workshops for the entire AS cohort.
Key Findings
·         I have discovered that short term objectives are being met – ie, the learning work well in the confines of the activity – however, this doesn’t always produce the depth of learning that can be sustained throughout the course.
·         The value of reflection and reinforcement of learning
·         Variety of role play is expansive (one took 3 lessons – one took a few minutes)
·         Confidence must be defined in two way (in context of roleplay);
o   Confidence in self to achieve.
o   Confidence in ability through experience.
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